“Does Performance Pay Perform? Conditions for Success in the Public Sector.” In For the People: Can We Fix Public Service?, edited by John D. Donahue and Joseph S. Nye, Jr., 238–254.. Washington, DC : Brookings Institution Press , May , 2004
May 2004
Brookings Institution Press
From the book summary: “The stakes have seldom been higher for public service. Security concerns are surging to the foreground. New or neglected economic and social problems demand fresh thinking and deft action. Technology-driven improvements in the business sector raise citizens' expectations for performance. Government's capacity to deliver, meanwhile, too often falls short. The perception of government as bureaucratic and inflexible -- and the blunt reality of uncompetitive salaries -- can make talented people hesitate to take on public jobs. Many civic-minded young Americans opt reluctantly for business careers or turn to the nonprofit sector as a more appealing setting for doing good. Yet as John Adams advised his son, "public business must be done by someone."
Authors - Bohnet, Iris, Eaton, Susan
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